ITI Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA) Mock Test


1st Semester

Mock TEst for ITI COPA first semester students

Category: COPA Mock Test

4 votes, 5 avg

COPA Mock Test

Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

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1 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

Who invented Analytical engine?

2 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

How does the parallel port transfer a byte?

3 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

What is the purpose of memory unit in a computer?

4 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

Which is an internal power supply units of CPU?

5 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

Who is considered as father of computer?

6 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

What type of device is computer?

7 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

How many pins are there in SIMMs?

8 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

What is the purpose of expansion slot in mother board ?

9 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

Which is the sequence, in which computer operates?

10 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

Which is the first general purpose programmable electronic computer?

11 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

What is the main electronic component of the first generation computer?

12 / 12

Category: COPA : Safe Working Practice & Introduction to Computer Components

How many pins are there in DIMM?

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The average score is 60%


2 votes, 3 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant 1st Semester : Windows Operating System

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1 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Which shortcut key is used to refresh windows desktop?

2 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Which one is an example for OS?

3 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Which is the order of files and directories in Windows Explore?

4 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

What should be done, if the pen drive is not deducted?

5 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Which acts as an intermediate between a user and a computer?

6 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

What is the function of OS?

7 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Which tool in control panel is used to adjust your computer setting to control computer with voice command?

8 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

What steps should be taken, if windows not updated automatically?

9 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Where does the pinned application stayed in Windows Os?

10 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Where does the minimized application reside in windows?

11 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Which shortcut key is used to copy and paste a file folder?

12 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

What is the extension of applet files in control panel?

13 / 13

Category: COPA : Windows Operating System

Which control panel applet gives the information of computer?

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The average score is 60%


2 votes, 4 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant 1st Semester : Computer Basics and Software Installation

Computer Basics and Software Installation

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1 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

Which process is used to record data on to an optical disc?

2 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

Which system is used by bluetooth for board casting?

3 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

What is the capacity of typical DVD?

4 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

What is the name of the smaller divisions made in Hard disk?

5 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

What is BIOS?

6 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

What is the purpose of Nero StartSmart?

7 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

Which key is used to open CMOS setup utility?

8 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

Which one is used as authentication for paring bluetooth devices?

9 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

Which software interface the major hardware components of the computer with OS?

10 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

What should be done, after fixing a problem or installing a new application or making configuration in a computer?

11 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

What is the purpose of BIOS shadow?

12 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

What is the process of deleting all the data on the hard drive?

13 / 13

Category: COPA : Computer Basics and Software Installation

Which program is used to enable the devices to work with OS ?

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The average score is 62%


0 votes, 0 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant 1st Semester : Word Processing Software

Word Processing Software

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1 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which feature is used to adjust the amount of space between words for alignment in MS Word?

2 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which one of the following is text styling feature of MS Word?

3 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which sequence of operation is required to insert bullets for list of data?

4 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which sequence of operation is required to force page break in word document?

5 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which tool in MS Word is used to keep the familiar and repeated options?

6 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which sequence of operation is required to remove numbering from a list of data?

7 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which bar contains the current position of the cursor in MS Word?

8 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which feature is used to create a newspaper type document?

9 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What is the purpose of cover page?

10 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which option is used to locate any specific character, symbols or formulas in a document?

11 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Where does the file name of the active document displays?

12 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which shortcut key is used to high light the entire word document?

13 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

How many groups are there in Home Menu?

14 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What is the purpose of zoom option?

15 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which menu contains, Symbol option in MS Word?

16 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What in the purpose of ⌧ button?

17 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which option is used for tab setting?

18 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which operation is to be performed before paste?

19 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which document view given an appearance as in web browser?

20 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which option is used to store the duplicate of the active document permanently?

21 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Where does the close button appear in MS Word?

22 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which sequence of operation is required to remove tab stop markers from ruler?

23 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which one of the following is a word processor?

24 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What is the purpose of quick access toolbar?

25 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What is the purpose of word wrap?

26 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which option is used to view an exiting word document?

27 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What is the purpose of gutter margin?

28 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What is purpose of thesaurus tool is MS Word?

29 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

How can we rectify the errors occurs while typing?

30 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which area in MS Word is used to enter the text?

31 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What in the purpose of vertical scroll bar?

32 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which group includes superscript, subscript, strike through options in MS Word?

33 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which shortcut key is used to invoke thesaurus dialog box in MS Word?

34 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document?

35 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

What in the purpose of undo action in MS Word?

36 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which command is used to store the active document permanently?

37 / 37

Category: COPA : Word Processing Software

Which option is used to activate and deactivate ruler?

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The average score is 54%


0 votes, 0 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant 1st Semester : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

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1 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which Linux command list the content of all sub directory?

2 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which Linux command is used to sort the text file ‘network’ in descending order?

3 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which filename will matches the command. DIR????T.TxT in DOS?

4 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which character redirects the output of one command to another in Linux?

5 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

What is the maximum number of character allowed as file name in DOS?

6 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which DOS command is used to list all com files in D drive?

7 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

What is the used of CD command in DOS?

8 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which command is used to specify the location of files or folders in MSDOS?

9 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which character is used to represent a range of values in Linux?

10 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which Linux command to set the permission ‘x’ to user, ‘rw’ to others and ‘rwx’ to group for the file launcher?

11 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which Linux command list the contents of parent directory?

12 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Write the Linux command to remove all the permission to the user and group on the directory ‘software’?

13 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

What in the result of the DOS command PROMPT $D$G?

14 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which one of the following is the wildcard character?

15 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

What is use of ‘who’ command in Linux?

16 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which command is used to release the read only permission?

17 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which character is used to represent parent directory in Linux?

18 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which character is used to redirect output in to an existing file in Linux?

19 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

How the directories under the root directory are called?

20 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which DOS command is used to create a text file?

21 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which DOS command is used to delete a directory?

22 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which DOS command is used to display system time?

23 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which command is used to hide the file?

24 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

Which one of the following is the directory separator in Linux?

25 / 25

Category: COPA : DOS & LINUX Operating Systems

What is the name of hierarchical file system in DOS?

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The average score is 46%


2 votes, 3 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant - 1st Semester : Spread Sheet Application

Spread Sheet Application

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1 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which one of the following is ‘no argument’ function?

2 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which function key is used to open save as dialogue box in MS Excel?

3 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

What is the purpose ‘Tab’ key in MS Excel?

4 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which option is used to change the direction where the cursor moves when you press the enter key in Excel?

5 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which sequence of operation is used to insert the hidden formula bar in Excel worksheet?

6 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

What type of software is MS Office?

7 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

How columns are named in MS Excel?

8 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which function is used to add the values in a range?

9 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which tab in Excel is used when importing, querying, outlining and subtotaling the data placed into a worksheet’s data list?

10 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

What is the maximum limit of rows in MS Excel 2010?

11 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which function is used to find the middle number in a range?

12 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which function in Excel is used to find the biggest value in a range?

13 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which function key is used to open goto dialogue box in MS Excel?

14 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

What is the purpose of ‘Enter Key’ in MS Excel?

15 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which one of the following is a text function in MS Excel?

16 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

How Cells are named in MS Excel?

17 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which function is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers, in a range?

18 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which tab is used for creating, formatting and editing a spreadsheet?

19 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which tool in Ms office is best for organizing data and making lists?

20 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which tab is used to change the display of worksheet area and the data it contains?

21 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which one of the following will starts with “=” sign in Excel 2010?

22 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which key is used to make multiple line in a single cell?

23 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

What is the maximum limit of column in MS Excel 2010?

24 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

which symbol is used to excute formulas in MS Excel?

25 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which type of key should combine with ctrl key to create a macro key in Excel?

26 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which one of the following is a ‘Date & Time’ function in Excel?

27 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

What do you mean by A3,B13:B20,C7 reference in Excel?

28 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which bar lies top of the window in Excel Screen?

29 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

How rows are numbered in MS Excel?

30 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which option in MS Excel is used to display the rows that meet certain conditions?

31 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which tab is used to include pivot table, charts, hyperlinks to a spread sheet?

32 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which type of addressing is used to keep rows constant and column changes and vice versa while copying a formula from one area of the worksheet to another in Excel?

33 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Where does the result displays when a formula is entered in Excel?

34 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which key is used to move the insertion point to the beginning of the current sheet?

35 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which tab in Excel is used for proofing, protecting, and marking up a spread sheet?

36 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

How does the single element in a worksheet known as in Excel?

37 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which bar is used to display the sheet information and insertion point location in MS Excel?

38 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which option in Excel is used to rearrange the rows base on the content of a particular column?

39 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

What is the file extension of Excel 2010?

40 / 40

Category: COPA : Spread Sheet Application

Which view in Excel displays the pages exactly as they appear when printed?

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The average score is 44%


0 votes, 0 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant - 1st Semester : Image Editing, Presentation

Image Editing, Presentation

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1 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which key is used to stop a power point presentation?

2 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which option is used to insert the related hints of a slide?

3 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which one of the following is extension of power point 2010 presentation file?

4 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which option is used to display the selected slides only for presentation?

5 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which combination of key is used to show the laser pointer during slide show?

6 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which view hides the hidden slides in Power Point?

7 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which template makes specify common design elements in all slides in the presentation?

8 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which menu is used to apply various effects to the text in a slide?

9 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

What type of software program is power point?

10 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which one of the following is a effect option in power point presentation?

11 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which shortcut key is used to create new presentation in powerpoint?

12 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which function key is used to run a powerpoint presentation?

13 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which shortcut key is used to create a new slide in power point?

14 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

How many panes are these in backstage view in power point 2010?

15 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which button is used to add instant animation to the presentation and helps interactive presentation?

16 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which holder holds text, title and picture in power point?

17 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which menu is used to apply various visual effects to the slide in power point?

18 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which shortcut key is used to invoke thesaurus dialog box in Power Point?

19 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which contains miniature representation of slides?

20 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which item, contains text graphics, charts, sound, video, etc., in power point

21 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which option is used to create a presentation automatically in Power Point?

22 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which tool allows user to select different layout for slide?

23 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which dialog box in Power Point allows to change slides automatically in a period of time?

24 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which option offers a built in design through a dialog box?

25 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which menu is used to select a predefined chart style?

26 / 26

Category: COPA : Image Editing, Presentation

Which combination of key is used to select all slides from current slide to first slide?

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The average score is 42%


2 votes, 3.5 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant -1st Semester : Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems

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1 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which validation rule accepts only a - z letters for fields in Access?

2 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which validation rule allows only positive numbers for fields in?

3 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

What is allowed the input mark symbol # in Access?

4 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which view is used to arrange table data in different graphical layouts to summarize data?

5 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which combination of key zooms the content of active cell in Access table?

6 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which view allows to modify table’s structure in Access?

7 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which technique prevents invalid data being saved in Access table?

8 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

What is the maximum length of the field name in Access?

9 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which key stoke is used to move the active cell towards right, in access table?

10 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

What is the output when the data “FOREIGN key’ is set to the text format > in Access?

11 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which object stores information about related data?

12 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

What is the reason for not accepting zero in the fields of Access tables?

13 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

What is the maximum number of characters allowed in text field is access?

14 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which of the following is a valid time format is Access?

15 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which validation rule allows only 0 - 9 for fields in Access?

16 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Write the output when the data ‘Primary Key’ is set to the text < in Access?

17 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which validation rule allows exactly digits for number fields in Access?

18 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

What is the output when the data ‘1678.95’ is set to the number format ‘###0.00’ in Access?

19 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which key stoke moves the active cell towards left in Access table?

20 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

What is the expansion of OLE in Access?

21 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which combination of key allows user to move to the first field in the first record in Access table?

22 / 22

Category: COPA : Database Management Systems

Which command quickly locates the data is Access table?

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The average score is 48%


1 votes, 2 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant -1st Semester : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

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1 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is a network protocol used on the internet or LAN to provide a bi-directional interactive text oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection?

2 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which layer in OSI model performs network routing, flow control and error control function?

3 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which device modulates analog signal to encode digital information and demodulates carrier signal to decode the transmitted information over the telephone network?

4 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the maximum speed supported by category 5 UTP cable?

5 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is an example for WAN?

6 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which layers of OSI model is the router operate?

7 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which layer is the layer 2 in OSI network model?

8 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

How many pairs of wires are there in category 1 UTP cables?

9 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which device is installed in a subscriber’s telephone line to allow both ADSl and regular voice (telephone) services to be used at the same time?

10 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which type of cable is used in 10 base-FL cable standard?

11 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is the layer 3 in OSI model?

12 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which layer in OSI model provides transfer the data between end users?

13 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which device is used to connect one network with another network that uses different protocols?

14 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which device forwards data packet between computer network?

15 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the full form of IP?

16 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the full form of ADSL?

17 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the speed of standard 10 base T cable?

18 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the purpose of the last three layers in OSI model?

19 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which topology combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies?

20 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the abbreviation of OSI?

21 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which layer is the layer 4 in OSI model?

22 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which layer of OSI Model, transfer data between network entities?

23 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the speed of 100BASE-TX cable?

24 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the full form of EFT?

25 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is called the interconnected computer systems located at different places?

26 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which device is used to amplify or regenerate digital signals received while sending them from one port of a network into another?

27 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which layer of OSI network model does repeater works?

28 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is the standard connector for category-5, unshielded twisted pair cabling?

29 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is a reference tool for understanding data communication between any two network system?

30 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host or to another host over a TCP based network, such as the internet?

31 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

How many pairs of wires contains in category 5 UTP cable?

32 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

What is the full form of TCP?

33 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which of the following cable transmits messages in the form of light waves?

34 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is the 6th layer in OSI communication model?

35 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which is an application layer of internet standard protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail from a remote server over a TCP/IP connection?

36 / 36

Category: COPA : Networking Concepts & Internet Concepts

Which device connects multiple network segments along with the data link layer?

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The average score is 44%


2 votes, 5 avg

COPA Mock Test

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant - 1st Semester : Designing Static WebPages

Designing Static WebPages

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1 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the use of forms in HTML?

2 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

How will the following html code appear in the browser?

(-<html><body><h1> my first heading</h1><p>my first paragraph</p></body></html> -)

3 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which option will match, while making bulleted list?

4 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which is the correct H1 tag for right alignment?

5 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

which is the correct html tag for making a text input field?

6 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the first tag in html document?

7 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which property of cells will how many rows a cell should span?

8 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which character in html is used to indicate end tag?

9 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which html tag is used to divide a row into data cells?

10 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which attribute is used with

tag to merge two cells horizontally?

11 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which is the correct tag for adding iframe in html?

12 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which is used to publish the webpage to a web hosting server?

13 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which of the following code is used to add a plain color background to the web page?

14 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which tag creates a checkbox for a form in html?

15 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

what is the correct html tag for adding a background color?

16 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

The tag makes the enclosed text bold, which other html tag is used to make text bold?

17 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What will happen, If the background image is smaller than the screen, what will happen?

18 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which is the correct html tag for creating password field?

19 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which html tag is the smallest heading?

20 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which html tag is used to add a row in a table?

21 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What will be the output of the following HTML code?



22 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which is the correct css syntax?

23 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

How do you add a link which will allow the visitor to send an email from the page?

24 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

what is the full form of HTTP?

25 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the output of the following html?


<h2>EXAM<small>WINNER</small> formatting</h2>


26 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the another name of web address?

27 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which symbols starts with html comments?

28 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the full form of CSS?

29 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the correct html code for inserting a background image?

30 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which web language give more control over the HTML elements and allows them to change at any time without returning to the Web server?

31 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the meaning of increase the cell padding?

32 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which html tag inserts a line horizontally in a page?

33 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What is the correct syntax for making a hyperlink?

34 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which html tag is used to display a picture in a web page?

35 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

Which is the correct syntax for adding alternate text for image, if the image cannot be displayed?

36 / 36

Category: COPA : Designing Static WebPages

What are the two main parts, available in html document?

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