ITI DTPO (Desktop Publishing Operator) Mock Test – Semester 1

Module 1 : Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals
Module 2 : Operating system, Windows and Application software’s
Module 3 : Word processing and Document setup
Module 4 : Computer network and Internet

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ITI DTPO (Desktop Publishing Operator) Mock Test - Semester 1

Semester : 1
Module 1 : Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals
Module 2 : Operating system, Windows and Application software's
Module 3 : Word processing and Document setup
Module 4 : Computer network and Internet

1 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which item appears dimly behind the main body text?

2 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which network topology has central controller?

3 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

How to delete shading option?

4 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the Microsoft edge?

5 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which document view given an appearance as in web browser?

6 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the use of the sources tool in MS word?

7 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which contains the variable data to be merged with the unchanging data's?

8 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the method of correcting system date and time, if system time is wrong?

9 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

What NIC stands for?

10 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which function key is used to open save as dialogue box in MS Excel?

11 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one is the example of application software?

12 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is full form of RTOSs in OS?

13 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which feature's start's a new line whenever a word or sentence reached a border?

14 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

How can we rectify the errors occurs while typing?

15 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which one is a test editor for Microsoft windows?

16 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

What is the 0 and 1 number system?

17 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which command in word has a list of pre defined typing, spelling, capitalization and grammar error that can detect and correct?

18 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the function of OS?

19 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which feature is used to make selected sentence to all capital letter's or all small letters?

20 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which transmission mode a walkie talkie operates?

21 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

Which one is output device?

22 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which among one is treated as example of operating system?

23 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the diagnosis mode of windows?

24 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What we called when use the OS to reboot?

25 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which option in MS word can be used to change character size and type face?

26 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the full form of abbreviation "GUI"?

27 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one is example of open source?

28 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which menu contain word wrap text option?

29 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

What is the unit of measuring speed of a processor?

30 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

DPI stands for?

31 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which among the following shortcut key is used to capture screen in windows?

32 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

What is LAN stands for?

33 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

Which colour identify a foam fire extinguisher?

34 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which symbol is used to execute formulas in MS Excel?

35 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which tool is used designed to connect a connector to the end of a cable?

36 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the minimum number of row and columns in MS word?

37 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What do to start the boot process at system power time?

38 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

How many columns can insert in a word document in maximum?

39 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which hardware circuit provides power in system?

40 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the function of page orientation?

41 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which is the menu tab?

42 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one is hardware device in system?

43 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

How will odd additional fonts in windows?

44 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is known as mailing list in word?

45 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the full form of POST in system?

46 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which one of the following device is treated as network device?

47 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

Which one is the input device?

48 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

Which is the fastest memory in a computer?

49 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the purpose of RUN command in windows?

50 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

Which type of part is used to connect a mouse?

51 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which standard protocol is used by internet?

52 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What does the red wavy line underneath the word?

53 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

Which is an application software?

54 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which transmission mode operate telephone network?

55 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Where does the minimized application reside in windows?

56 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which bar is usually located below that title bar that provides categorized options?

57 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which folder stores deleted items such as folders and files?

58 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one is process management function in OS?

59 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

What kind of device is monitor?

60 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which shortcut key is used to select entire text?

61 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What action allows to open user account and make the computer available?

62 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

How virus enter your computer?

63 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the short cut for cut angle in windows explorer?

64 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which among the following is a program used to play both audio and video files on windows?

65 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one of the following instructs the control of hardware?

66 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which menu you can insert header and footer?

67 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

In first generation computer which device is used?

68 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which of the tool box is used to erase areas of your picture?

69 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which option has picture, clipart, chart and etc. in insert tab of MS word?

70 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one is system software?

71 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the purpose of vertical scroll bar?

72 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one is protect the system from virus?

73 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is NTLRD in windows NT system?

74 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which is the highly reliable network topology?

75 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the shortcut key for save files?

76 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the purpose 'Tab' key in MS Excel?

77 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which is the second step in creating a macro?

78 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which feature's is used to arrange the records in a data source before merging?

79 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which software compress larger files into a smaller file?

80 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which of the following is graphic's solution for word processor's?

81 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which year Microsoft introduce window's XP?

82 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which caps converts spoken sentences into textual data in windows operating system?

83 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which is the equipment needed allow home computers to connect to the internet?

84 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which one of the following needs to be clicking to change the size of the word in notepad application?

85 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

What is the function of BOOT MGR?

86 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What tab in MS-Word to access mail merge options?

87 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the smallest and largest font size in font size tool on formatting tool bar?

88 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is gutter margin?

89 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What is the purpose of undo action in MS Word?

90 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

What is the purpose of gloves?

91 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which is an example for WAN?

92 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Where is situated to view about the documents?

93 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which acts as an intermediate between a user and a computer?

94 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Operating system Windows and Application software

Which one of the following is a windows accessory?

95 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

Which fire extinguisher use to fight an electrical fire if carbon dioxide extinguisher is unavailable?

96 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which is a word processor?

97 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which is the highest storage capacity?

98 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which enable's us to send the same letter to different persons?

99 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which shortcut key to use bold the fonts in MS word?

100 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which one gives auto page no in MS word?

101 / 106

Category: DPO – Sem 1 Computer network and Internet

Which tool is used for the cable is capable of carrying as ethernet signal?

102 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1 – Safety working practice and Computer fundamentals

What is the shape of warning sign?

103 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

What does the blue wavy line underneath the word?

104 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which column's in a Microsoft access table are also called?

105 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which function key you will press for spell check?

106 / 106

Category: DPO Sem 1- Word processing and Document setup

Which items are placed at the end of a document?

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The average score is 76%
