ITI Electrician Mock Test – Semester 3

Module 3 – AC. Three Phase Motor
Module 4 – AC Single Phase Motor
Module 5 – Alternator
Module 6 – Synchronous Motor and MG Set

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ITI Electrician Mock Test - Semester 3

Semester : 3
Module 3 - AC. Three Phase Motor
Module 4 - AC Single Phase Motor
Module 5 - Alternator
Module 6 - Synchronous Motor and MG Set


1 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

How the direction of rotation of a capacitor start induction run motor is reversed?

2 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the phase displacement between windings in 3 phase motor?

3 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

What is the name of the converter?

4 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of motor is used to provide high starting torque at variable speed?

5 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

How alternators are rated?

6 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the effect in increasing the field excitation current in alternator?

7 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Where the capacitor is connected in a single phase permanent capacitor motor?

8 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which method is used to control the speed of 3 phase induction motor from stator side?

9 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Why the synchronous motor fails to run at synchronous speed?

10 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Which converter is having high efficiency?

11 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which method is adopted to start the single phase induction motor?

12 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the speed control method of 3 phase induction motor?

13 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the effect of open circuit in rotor of an induction motor?

14 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the speed of an alternator connected with a supply frequency of 50 Hz at rated voltage having 4 poles?

15 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the use of synchroscope?

16 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the type of rewinding process?

17 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the electrical degree of 6 pole stator of motor?

18 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of winding wire is used for rewinding submersible pumps?

19 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Why D.C supply is necessary for
synchronous motor operation?

20 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of A.C single phase motor is classified under commutator motor type?

21 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the formula to find synchronous speed of a A.C 3 phase induction motor?

22 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Calculate the number of coils per phase per pair of poles of 3 phase motor having 2 pole, 24 slots,12 coils?

23 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of AC single phase motor having low starting torque?

24 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the effect, if some slots in a split phase motor left out without winding after completion of concentric winding?

25 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the starter symbol?

26 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the part marked as ‘X’?

27 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Where the panel boards are used?

28 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What causes the terminal voltage of an alternator reduces, if the load increases?

29 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the working principle of split phase motor?

30 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Which formula is used to calculate the percentage voltage regulation in alternator?

31 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which motor is having half coil winding?

32 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Which is the main application of synchronous motor?

33 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the relation between running winding and starting winding of a single phase induction motor with respect to resistance?

34 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the rotor frequency of a 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor at the time of starting?

35 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Calculate the number of coils /phase/ pole for a 3 phase double layer distributed winding for a motor having 36 slots, 36 coils and 4 poles.

36 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the effect in a repulsion motor, if the magnetic axis shifted to another side?

37 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which single phase motor is fitted with wound rotor?

38 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which method is applied to control the speed of 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor from its rotor side?

39 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the relation between torque and slip in an A.C induction motor?

40 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the effect of motor, if the rotor windings in slipring induction motor is open circuited at starting?

41 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which operation the control circuit is used?

42 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which test in winding is illustrated?

43 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of winding has more space for cooling?

44 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the function of centrifugal switch used in capacitor start, capacitor run induction motor?

45 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the supply frequency of an alternator having 6 poles runs at 1000 rpm?

46 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the purpose of damper winding in alternator?

47 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of AC motor winding having the number of coil/pole/phase is more than one arranged in different slots?

48 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the diagram used for 3phase motor winding?

49 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is effect of A.C induction motor if rotor bar is in open circuit?

50 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of starter is used to start and run the 3 phase slip ring induction motor?

51 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What happens to a 3 phase induction motor if one phase fails during running?

52 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which method of speed control is only applicable for 3 phase slipring induction motor?

53 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the formula to calculate the slip speed (Nslip) of 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor?

54 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the contact marked as ‘X’?

55 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Calculate the speed in r.p.s of the 2 pole, 50Hz

56 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Why pre heating is necessary for motors before varnishing in rewinding process?

57 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the reason for frequent blowing of fuse after motor running some time?

58 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Which formula is used to calculate EMF/phase in a ideal alternator?

59 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Which acts as both inverter and converter?

60 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of insulating material is selected for binding the coils and over hangs?

61 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which single phase motor tapped field speed control method is employed?

62 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What happens to the rotor of a 3 phase induction motor if its speed attains to synchronous speed?

63 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which is the cause for the 3 phase motor starter with single phase preventer trips frequently?

64 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Calculate the phase displacement in terms of slots for a 3 phase, 36 slots, 12 coils, 4 pole stator winding?

65 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the angular displacement between starting and running winding of a single phase induction motor?

66 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Why running winding is placed in the bottom of the core?

67 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of single phase motor is illustrated?

68 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which is the application of universal motor?

69 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Calculate the slot distance for a ceiling fan having 28 slots, 14 poles, 14 coils in half coil connection?

70 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of handle design of rotary switch is illustrated?

71 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What are the two functional circuits incorporated with a three phase motor starter?

72 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Which converting device can be over

73 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the function of centrifugal switch in split phase motor?

74 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which instrument is used to measure insulation resistance of a 3 phase induction motor?

75 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the purpose of using thermal cutout in addition to fuse in A.C motor circuit?

76 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Calculate the pitch factor (KP) for a winding having 36 stator slots 4 pole with angle (α) is 30° in alternator.

77 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which loss of 3 phase induction motor is determined by blocked rotor test?

78 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the function of collar?

79 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

How the direction of rotation of repulsion motors is to be reversed?

80 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the purpose of using damper winding in AC generator?

81 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the A.C motor starter?

82 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the starter symbol?

83 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Why a capacitor is connected across centrifugal switch in the centrifugal switch speed control method?

84 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

What is the advantage of motor generator set?

85 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

What is the function of inverter?

86 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which device is used to test stator winding short and open fault?

87 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Why external resistance is included in the rotor circuit at starting through 3 phase slipring induction motor starter?

88 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the formula to calculate emf equation of an alternator?

89 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the synchronous speed of a A.C 3 phase induction motor having 6 poles at a frequency of 50 Hertz?

90 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which is the main property of leatheroid paper insulation?

91 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which formula is used to calculate the total electrical degree in stator of an A.C motor?

92 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which fault condition thermal overload relay protects A.C induction motor?

93 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

What is the function of damper windings in synchronous motor?

94 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Calculate the speed of an alternator having 2 poles at a frequency of 50 Hz.

95 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the winding?

96 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the type of alternator?

97 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

What is the purpose of damper winding in a synchronous motor at starting?

98 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the effect, if coil group connection is wrongly connected in a single phase motor rewinding?

99 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

What is the name of the converter?

100 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the function of centrifugal switch in single phase motors?

101 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Determine the torque in newton metres produced by a 7.5 HP squirrel cage motor rotating at 1440 rpm?

102 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which speed is called as synchronous speed in 3 phase induction motor?

103 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of testing of winding is illustrated?

104 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the defect, if starter with single phasing preventer does not switch ‘ON’?

105 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Which application requires only DC?

106 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the name of the equipment that provides D.C to the rotor of alternator?

107 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of winding wire is used to wind submersible pump motors?

108 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the purpose of the capacitor (C) in centrifugal switch speed control method of universal motor?

109 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

How synchronous motor works as a power factor corrector?

110 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Why the hysteresis motor is suitable for sound recording instruments?

111 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What condition the two lamps become bright and one lamp dark during paralleling of two alternators?

112 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the type of A.C single phase motor?

113 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the formula to calculate pitch factor?

114 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the type of control circuit?

115 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What condition the lamps become dark in dark lamp method of parallel operation of two alternators?

116 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the function of the part marked as ‘x’ in shaded pole motor?

117 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the application of shaded pole motor?

118 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the starting current of an A.C 3 phase induction motor?

119 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What happens to a 3 phase induction motor, if one phase fails during starting?

120 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

How the radio interference can be suppressed in centrifugal switch method of speed control of universal motor?

121 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of AC winding the number of coil/pole/phase is more than one at different pitches?

122 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the reason of long chord winding is avoided in AC motors?

123 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

How pole pitch is measured in terms of slots in AC winding?

124 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

How the synchronous motor is used as a synchronous condenser?

125 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which test in winding is essential before giving supply?

126 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the purpose of using rotor resistance starter to start 3 phase slip ring induction motor?

127 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the reason to use a permanent capacitor in fan motor circuit?

128 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which loss is determined by no load test of 3 phase induction motor?

129 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the function of timer in automatic star delta starter?

130 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the effect if the centrifugal switch is not disconnected after the motor starts?

131 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of AC coil winding?

132 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the name of the part of alternator?

133 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of single phase motor is used for hard disk drives?

134 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

How to produce starting torque in a shaded pole fan motor?

135 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the formula to calculate the mean circumference of the coil?

136 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

How to compensate de-magnetizing effect due to armature reaction in an alternator?

137 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the defect in AC 3 phase induction motor runs at low speed if loaded?

138 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the cause for hunting effect in alternators?

139 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which insulation is used for cuffing in AC winding?

140 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Why exciter is essential to run a synchronous motor?

141 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which motor is used in table fan?

142 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which is the demerit of 3 phase concentric winding?

143 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the fuse rate to run a 10 HP three phase induction motor at full load?

144 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of 3 phase motor winding, if the coil pitch is less than pole pitch?

145 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which formula is used to calculate percentage slip of an AC 3 phase induction motor

146 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

How the voltage is received in the rotor of induction motor?

147 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What refers coil in AC winding?

148 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Why the rotor bars are mounted in a slightly skewed position in 3 phase motor?

149 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the name of the coil winding?

150 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which material is used as wedges in winding process?

151 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of single phase induction motor is used in food mixer?

152 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

What is the advantage of using rotating field type alternator?

153 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Calculate the voltage regulation in percentage if the load is removed from an alternator, the voltage rises from 480V to 660V.

154 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of single phase motor is having very high starting torque than any other type of single phase motor?

155 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Name the part marked as ‘X’ of the winding machine?

156 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Why slip ring induction motor is fitted with wound rotor?

157 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

5 Calculate the percentage slip in a 3 phase induction motor having 6 poles with a frequency of 50 Hertz rotating with actual speed of 960 rpm?

158 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the type of A.C motor stator winding?

159 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What indication denotes the shorted coil defect in 3 phase motor stator winding while testing with internal growler by keeping hacksaw blade?

160 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Which rule is used to find the direction of induced emf in an alternator?

161 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the working principle of single phase induction motor?

162 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which method of speed control two variable speeds only obtained in 3 phase motor?

163 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 5

Which condition is to be satisfied before parallel
operation of alternators?

164 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which motor is preferred for domestic water pumps?

165 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

What is the name of single phase motor?

166 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of test is conducted using internal growler in AC motor winding?

167 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

What is the effect on 3 phase induction motor if one phase is cut-off during running with load?

168 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

What is the function of the part marked as ‘X’ of the rotary converter?

169 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 4

Which type of motor has relatively small starting torque?

170 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 6

Why the LED’s are avoided as converters in rectifier diodes?

171 / 171

Category: Electrician Sem 3 Module 3

Which type of wire is used for rewinding of A.C 3 phase motors?

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