ITI Fitter
ITI Fitter Free Mock Test - Semester 1 : Welding
Fitter : Semester 1 : Welding ( 30 Questions)
1 / 30
Category: Fitter Sem 1 : Welding
What is the angle to be maintained in theblow pipe and filler rod in the left ward weldingtechnic?
2 / 30
Name the gas welding defect.
3 / 30
Why humming sound effects during arcwelding?
4 / 30
Why the cylinder keys are not removedfrom the cylinder while welding?
5 / 30
What is the name of distortion occurs inthe weld direction?
6 / 30
Name the safety operation carried out in welding plant shown in the figure?
7 / 30
What is the name of PPE?
8 / 30
What is the purpose of cellulosic electrodein arc welding process?
9 / 30
Which internal defect in welding is invisibleto naked eye?
10 / 30
Which arc welding machine provides betterheat distribution in the electrode and job?
11 / 30
What is the disadvantage of AC weldingtransformer?
12 / 30
What is the name of the part marked as X ?
13 / 30
Identify the part marked as x
14 / 30
What is the oxygen cylinder colour?
15 / 30
Which is the welding machine designed tosupply both A.C and D.C current for welding ferrousand non-ferrous metals using all types of electrode?
16 / 30
How to extinguish the flame after use ingas welding?
17 / 30
Identify the welding defect shown in figure.
18 / 30
What is the OCV for welding in step-downtransformer which reduces the main supply voltage(220 or 440 volts)?
19 / 30
Which arc welding machine can be usedanywhere in the field work even away from electriclines?
20 / 30
What is the storing capacity of oxygencylinder?
21 / 30
What is the function of AC weldingtransformer?
22 / 30
Name the joint in the arc welding
23 / 30
What is the name of the the metal edge inan angle during welding and cutting operations?
24 / 30
What is the colour painted on theacetylene gas cylinders?
25 / 30
What will cause if the nozzle touches themolten pool?
26 / 30
What is the equipment used to protect thebody from flying spark during gas cutting?
27 / 30
Which process blow out the cylinder valvesocket before connecting the regulator?
28 / 30
Which type of filler rod is used in gaswelding of stainless steel?
29 / 30
30 / 30
Which factor determine the current settingduring welding?
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