ITI ICTSM- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance -Third Semester Mock Test

Module 1 : Linux operating system
Module 2 : Printer and Scanner
Module 3 : Display driver card
Module 4 : Sound card

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ITI ICTSM- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance -Third Semester

ICTS- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance
Semester : 3
Module 1 : Linux operating system
Module 2 : Printer and Scanner
Module 3 : Display driver card
Module 4 : Sound card


1 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the printing speed of large laser printer?

2 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the full form of MDA?

3 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which one is the most expensive part of the projector?

4 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which printer is used limited to one or a few fonts?

5 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the full form of CIS scanner?

6 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which is an Input device?

7 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which device used to print graphical outputs by computer on a paper?

8 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which is a pointing device?

9 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which code is split into two halves?

10 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the main advantage of dot matrix printer?

11 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

What is scripting?

12 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which technology used in drum scanner?

13 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which link can carry upto 16 channels of information?

14 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which test indicates that the motors laser scanners drive assemblies and sensors are working correctly?

15 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the full form of ECU in laser printer?

16 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Write the Linux command to remove all the permission to the user and group on the directory ‘software’………

17 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which command reports the full path to the current directory?

18 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which command used displays calendar of current month?

19 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Who is developed the VI editor?

20 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which type of coated in fuser roller?

21 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which is the related to the noise in sound system?

22 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which printers are widely used in fax machines?

23 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which cable data transfer rate goes up to 480 Mbps?

24 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which one is the component of sound Card?

25 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which port is support for network printer?

26 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is maximum resolution of SVGA monitor?

27 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which is the highest quality sampling bit in sound cards?

28 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the full form of EGA in Monitor?

29 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which device includes the functionality of multiple devices in one?

30 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the another name of touch pad?

31 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which printer is used to print only characters and symbols and cannot print graphics?

32 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which is used to clean the projector lens?

33 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the full form of QR Code?

34 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which port socket in the computer uses 25 pins?

35 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which technology is particularly used in barcode wand reader and barcode slot reader?

36 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

What we should make it run the shell script first by using?

37 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which condition we need to change the toner in printer?

38 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the full form of LCD?

39 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which conversion in CCD scanner?

40 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which printer is an impact printer?

41 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which one is sets to full screen in OLED monitor?

42 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the full form of TFT in LCD panels?

43 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which editor display oriented text editor based on the pine message composer?

44 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the function of ready button ON in pass book printer?

45 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which printer spraying fine drops of ink on the paper?

46 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which device has a rigid plastic housing that is replaceable, recyclable and reusable?

47 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the high resolutions produces by LED Printer?

48 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is the acceptable level of distortion?

49 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the print speed of line dot matrix printer?

50 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What to do to extend your projector's lamp life?

51 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What allows you to print on both sides of the paper?

52 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which device includes fax features?

53 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which one is the video adopter component?

54 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which connection is ideal for scanning high resolution images?

55 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which command is used to delete files and directories on Linux and Unix?

56 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is the usage of driver software?

57 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which is mentioned in barcode last digit?

58 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is the sound frequency range?

59 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is full form of SNR in Sound Quality?

60 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which card support to convert digital data in to analog format?

61 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which device have inbuilt of keyboard and mouse?

62 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which colour used for microphone symbol in audio system?

63 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which one of the following is the directory separator in Linux?

64 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which is must for network printers are connected directly to the local computer network?

65 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which device have touch pad is an inbuilt?

66 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which step to choose, to control sound volume?

67 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which printer example of dot-matrix printer?

68 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which monitor used for 64 colors?

69 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is measuring unit of sound?

70 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the full form of OPC in laser printer?

71 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which board used to connect the cables in printer?

72 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

What is the character begins with the first line in any shell script?

73 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is the example of transducer?

74 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the purpose of solenoid in laser printer?

75 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is name of converter analog sound to digital bits?

76 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which command is used to copy files and directories?

77 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which Linux command list the content of all sub directory?

78 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the full form of ADF in scanner features?

79 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which device takes 10-30 watts power consumption?

80 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What is full form of MIDI in sound card?

81 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which printer having ethernet port?

82 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which tool used to identify the specification on the installed sound card?

83 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the full form of CRT?

84 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which command is used to rename files and directories?

85 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the resolution of UHD?

86 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What type of toner used in inkjet printer?

87 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

How is ink transferred to paper in inkjet printers?

88 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the another name of F1 button in passbook printer?

89 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the purpose of display card?

90 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What is the full from of SSID in installation of wireless printer?

91 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is full form of PDA in touchpad?

92 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which protocol assigns IP addresses in network printer?

93 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which is searching syntax?

94 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is RGB in LCD projector?

95 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What are the electron guns used in color CRT?

96 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which frequency is support for tweeter speaker?

97 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

What is use of ‘who’ command in Linux?

98 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

What action will correct for uneven or intermittent print on a dot matrix printer?

99 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

What is the full form of OLED in Monitor?

100 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

What is the only editor available in virtually every unix installation?

101 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Display driver card

Which display each pixel in the picture corresponds with a transistor?

102 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which one is the portable device?

103 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

Which device convert electrical energy to sound energy?

104 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Linux operating system

Which command used reveals the current logged in user?

105 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Printer and Scanner

Which technology used in laser printer?

106 / 106

Category: ICTSM - Sem 3 -Sound card

What we called vibration that compress of air or other substances?

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