ITI ICTSM Mock Test: Semester 1

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ITI ICTSM- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance -1st Sem

ICTS- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance
Semester : 1
Module 7 : Digital Electronics


1 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the type of flip-flop circuit?

2 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the maximum possible number of flip-flops in a decade counter?

3 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

Which logic gate has the following truth table?

4 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

Which IC is used for the function of 4 bit shift register?

5 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the purpose of using IC74LS190?

6 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the name of the symbol?

7 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

Which circuits requires the flip - flops for their operation?

8 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the power dissipation of the standard TTL chip?

9 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the decimal conversion number for the octal number (2374)8?

10 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the purpose of using binary coded decimal (BCD) system in digital circuits?

11 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the type of counter circuit?

12 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

How many characters are in hexadecimal number system?

13 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the use of flip - flop?

14 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the power supply required to operate the most standard TTL ICs properly?

15 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the full form of BCD in number system?

16 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the type of counter circuit?

17 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the information stored in digital registers?

18 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the decimal number for the binary number 0101?

19 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the digital signal value for the analog signal value 6V?

20 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

Which IC is used for (DEMUX) function in data transmission?

21 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

How the decimal number can be converted into binary number?

22 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

Which gate is called universal gate?

23 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

Which logic gate IC is marked as ‘X’ in the circuit?

24 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

How many inputs are available in the 7447 BCD-to- seven segment decoder used to drive the LED display?

25 / 25

Category: ICTSM – BS Digital Electronics

What is the full form of PIPO in registers?

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