ITI ICTSM Mock Test : Semester 1

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ITI ICTSM- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance -1st Sem

ICTS- Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance
Semester : 1
Module 8 : Battery & Oscilloscope


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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which representation provides CRO?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the lowest voltage level of discharging the lead-acid battery?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which is heart of CRO?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which electrolyte is used in maintenance free lead acid batteries?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the specific gravity of concentrated sulphuric acid?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which band is used for UHF in International Telecommunication System?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which function control in CRO, adjust the trace sharper?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which is part of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the rated voltage of a single cell in lead acid battery?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which device is used to test the fully charged condition of a lead acid battery cell?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the another name of demodulator probe?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

How is the waveform adjusted?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the effect on a secondary cell supplying current to the load?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the full form of CRO?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the total voltage of six 1.5 V cells, connected in series?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

How is error reduced in measurement?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which instrument used to display and measure electrical signals, time intervals and phase shift?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which electrolyte is used in lead-acid battery?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which battery is used for cellular phones?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

Which energy is converted by the battery to produce electricity?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is input Impedance of CRO?

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Category: ICTSM – BS Battery & Oscilloscope

What is the colour of positive electrode in fully charged lead acid battery?

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