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HomeMock TestITI Employability Skills Model Tests for Second Year Students

ITI Employability Skills Model Tests for Second Year Students

We are including 4 Model Tests for ITI ( Induatial Training InstituteI Employability Skills Model Tests for Second Year Students . Each Test contain 50 Qestions. Candidates can attend the test for anytime.

Course : ITI
Subject : Employability Skills

Exam Type : MCQ
No. Of Question : 50

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Employability Skills 2nd year

ITI Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 1

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is NOT a Verbal communication?

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

maintaining trimmed and clean nails, brushing teeth twice a day, washing hands before and after food are examples of …………... hygiene.

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is NOT related to career path?

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

As technology advances, the way we work shall               

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we want to type using our voice, we are using

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the shortcut key to create Power Point presentation?

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

learning a new skill to do fundamentally the same nature of task is called……..

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

One important rule to network effectively is…….

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The process of learning a completely new skill is called……..

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the default extension for a presentation prepared in Power- point in MS Office version 2010?

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which website has an ‘Idea Bank’?
where you can find a list of multiple problems faced by the country now.

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which app is a widely used for screen casting from your mobile phone?

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A computer that provides data to other computers is called…….

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of the human mind is called……..

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Believing that you have the capability to achieve your dreams is called……..

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. If you want to give people relevant information about you and your business in an easy was, you will….

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which menu helps automatic transition time to slides?

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Delivery of different services through the internet like data storage,server,database,networking is called……….

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is influenced by rapid change in technology?

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Plan, Prepare, Perform is related to…..……………

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we speak to people in our workplace, we need to……

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The conversion of computer data from one format to another is called………..

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Mock interviews help candidates

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

To gain more skills, you…..

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which is NOT a Money transaction?

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which function key start the slide show?

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

                       registration would help to access the schemes introduced by the Government

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The crucial step that all face while starting their career is….

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

                         are at the centre of any business.

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A small group of jobs within a career is called……..

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the standard way in which computers connected wireless?

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which of the following is not a resource?

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. A secure Wi-Fi is one……

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which option helps you view the slides in the presentation mode?

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What has drastically changed the world of work?

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. When we share photos and videos from our Android smartphones to the computer to see them in a larger screen we are…….

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Official conversations are part of…..……………

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

PowerPoint NOT allow us to……..

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is a "Do's" of discussion etiquettes?

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A resume should be…………………

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which key in the keyboard will end the slide show at any time?

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which method is the most effective way of communication in workplace?

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is NOT a source to raise funds to start business?

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the command to invoke power point from command line?

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We can identify the trends and changes in the world of work through………………

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Alexa, Cortana, Einstein, Google, Siri and Watson are in the category of……….

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person can get promotions based on his              and                   

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A written description of duties and responsibilities to be carried out in a job is called…..

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Taking decisions on your own, after carefully thinking about them is the quality of……..

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Human resources are…….

Your score is

The average score is 37%


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Employability Skills 2nd year

ITI Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 2

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When others observe you and share what they feel about your performance, they….

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Some examples of …………… hygiene are maintaining
trimmed and clean nails, brushing teeth twice a day, washing hands before and after eating food.

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What help us to maintain the balance between mental and physical activities?

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Feedback is important because...……………

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Communication plays a very important role in                       

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Setting up date for completing each milestone is called                 

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

which one is not an adventure?

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a carpenter makes a wooden chair and gets paid for it, it is his                 

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We need to have …………… when market trends change
or when our current job no longer exists.

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

In face to face communication, "wors" account for……

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Market trends are useful to plan one’s career because they help to                   

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The conditions in a place that affect the behaviour and development of somebody or something is

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person with high emotional intelligence has               

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Career pathways means                       

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A man bought a lamp for Rs 100 and sold it for Rs 120. How much profit did he make? What is the profit percentage?

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A quick summary of yourself is called an…………

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When something good happens to us, we feel                             

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

-------------- are realistic targets that you will set for yourself in order to achieve your career goal.

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you want to know what to do in your professional life, what skills and knowledge are required to do it, you are actually doing                    

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Emojis are used according to --------

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Change the verb "took" in the passive voice…

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Singular form of devices is….……………

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a person is naturally good at doing something, it is his/her                         

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There are                  apartments in my neighbourhood.

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we work with others, it is called                       

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is a good communication?

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words The roads in my town are in                  condition.

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

POSH mandates safety of----------- and …………… of
sexual harassment in the workplace.

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A series of numbers is given. You need to fill a number in the blank by understanding the pattern of the series. Fill the number in the place of the question mark: 47 48 51 60 87 ?

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We …………… in a proper way so that we may reach a
profitable and healthy compromise.

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

While addressing your boss, you should be………………

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a                    garden with lovely flowers.

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The immediate surroundings to the place you live in is called         

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A --------------- is one of the ways to reach your -----------------

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a person is given information about how he/she is doing in an effort to reach a goal, it is called…

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person’s ability to understand and manage emotions properly is called…….

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

An employee gets feedback from supervisors, HR and other colleagues to…

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

It is important to ----- on the NAPS …………… to apply for

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Everything about a person on the internet like profile on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is called…..

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Identify the professional networking platform from the given

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a factory in the area. The air is                 .

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Many companies provide upskilling opportunities through

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The Principal called Manoj. The principal asked………to show …………… hall ticket for the CTS Examination.

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What do you say when you politely disagree?

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Negative feedback is usually given….

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person who does not take necessary steps to learn new skills even when there is threat of losing his/her job

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a                  playground near our house.

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Tools and techniques used to make one’s task easier to work efficiently and mentioned in resumes are

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The process of learning a completely new set of skills to perform a different type of a job is                   

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with appropriate word "The Plumber ……….. the tap only now.

Your score is

The average score is 43%


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Employability Skills 2nd year

ITI Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 3

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Successful change is a combination of ------- and --------

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Applications and services offered over the internet are called                

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Communicating without words using only gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc., is called ----------------------

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

For career growth and ------------ we need to build--------------

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

If you want to give people relevant information about you and your business in an easy way, you will

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Paying attention to the speaker, not interrupting, taking time to understand before asking questions or responding is                     .

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Choose the correct order to convert a Word file into a pdf online.
i. Download the file when converted
ii. Upload the Word file in the prompt on clicking the site online.
iii. Select the internet site to convert Word files into pdf.
iv. Choose a Word file to be converted into a pdf.

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Proper communication with customers can help to ------------

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A quick summary of yourself is called an …………….

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

You are a lifelong learner if you               

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the process of formally introducing oneself called?

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we speak to people in our workplace or people in authority, we need to …………….

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we do not express our emotions, we may end up -----

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

To retrieve photos and videos from Facebook, we need to have a ---------

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Self-introduction should show how…………… your

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Anitha started an Instagram page for her crafts business. She used                  marketing strategy

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When something good happens to us, we feel -----------------

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A good self-introduction will help in making a ----------------

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The most compatible format for saving images is --------------

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is a prototype?

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person can get promotions based on their …………… and ……………

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Taking decisions on your own, after carefully thinking about them is the quality of               

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

To improve your listening skills and become a better communicator, you need to …………….

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Negative feedback is usually given …………….

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

JPG means ……………

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Human resources are                   

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When society decides how we need to behave and forces it on us, it is called creating ……………

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Wi-Fi stands for…………… wireless signal.

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person with high emotional intelligence has ------------------

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When your instructor decides to cancel the industry visit, you feel---------

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Customers generally …………… when they have a poor

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which of the following is not a resource?

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

As technology advances, the way we work shall -------------

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

“Your assignment is not like that of the others in your class. Why aren’t you studying?” is an example of ---------------------

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Good self-introduction help to make ----------------------

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A …………… is a computer that provides data to other

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Conversation between family members at home or casual conversation between employees is…………….

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Everything about a person on the internet like profile on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is called ----------------------

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Networking is                     

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Siri and Alexa are called                 

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a person is given information about how he/she is doing in an effort to reach a goal, it is called --------------------

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we write letters, emails, messages, etc., we are using                    

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

PowerPoint files have …………… extensions.

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Excel is used to ……………

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The most frequently asked question in an interview is---------

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we share photos and videos from our Android smartphones to the computer to see them on a larger screen we are                           .

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Using words through speaking or writing to share information, thoughts or ideas is called …………….

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

One important rule to network effectively is                   

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you provide feedback, tell the listener that you are providing …………….

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we take time to think and pay attention to our thoughts, emotions, decisions, and behaviour, it is called ---

Your score is

The average score is 61%


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Employability Skills 2nd year

Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 4

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

I have received complaints about workplace safety. Please check them immediately and share the details with me. This is an example of ________.

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact are examples of -

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you make an enquiry at a bank, it is ------------------

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Come tomorrow and fix the door knoThis sentence is --------

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Can ----------- tell ________ about the strengths of the

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Greetings help you to ________.

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Adventures --------- risks and are to people who
undertake them.

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

As a customer sales executive in an electrical appliances showroom, your greetings and introduction of your instructor to your supervisor shall be                

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A town is--------- than a village, but ________ than a city.

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The customer requested the lady executive to display the different mobile phone models. The customer asked -------
to mention the cost of the mobiles too.

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Working with others to find a mutually agreeable solution is called                            

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Magnificent, large, thin, lengthy, square, bright, sharp, hard
– are examples of ________

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Table, wire, socket, cable, hammer, nail, pipe, motor, refrigerator – are examples of ________.

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The Jog falls is the second …………… waterfall in

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The business idea should …………… .

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There are many dos and don’ts to be -----------------------------
-- while preparing for/attending an ……………

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

In the context of an interview ________ greetings is to be

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Every time you --------- an email, try to …………… something
from it.

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Primary storage devices are -----------------

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Wages are paid ……………

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Writing emails, letters, memos, orders, filling forms, minutes, contracts, proposals and quotations are examples of…………… workplace communication.

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is stress?

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we strongly feel or react situations or with particular people, we are using our ----------------------------------

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

--------- air pollution by using bicycles ……………. the

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

----------------------------- the computer every day after use.

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We ________ books from a library.

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There is a lake near the are Sometimes, people-------
garbage ________ it.

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There are ________ apartments in my neighbourhood.

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Everest, the ----------------------- peak in the world, -----------
in Tibet.

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There -------- famous mountains beaches in

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Gardening, reading, collecting stamps, singing ---------------
some examples of hobbies.

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What we communicate without words, but with body language is an example of ----------------------

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which word is an adjective           

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

You are requested to complete the given assignment by Monday. This is an example of ________.

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

While we are at home or with friends, we use -------------------
-------------- verbal communication.

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

If you meet your supervisor in the grocery store, you will ----

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The singular form of lenses is           

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

BIS stands for …………… .

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Jumping --------------- a great height while connected ----------
--- a large elastic cord is called bungee jumping.

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

For effective communication ……………

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

In social media, we use …………… to convey our feelings
and emotions.

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There -------- instructions to be ________ to maintain
neighbourhoods well.

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is better to ------------------
-------- than shake hands, and say Namaste than --------------

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Hi, how are you? What’s up? – These are examples of -----

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

‘Good morning’, ‘nice to meet you’, ‘How have you been?’
– are examples of ---------------

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Strengths of role models get ________ while
weaknesses get                                     .

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There ------------- a coffee shop ________ the park.

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

How do you come to work? What is your qualification? – These are examples of ________.

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We use emoji's when ----------------------------------

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The company asked the carpenter to design a box with the given dimensions. When it was approved, he made many more ________ for the company.

Your score is

The average score is 85%




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