ITI Employability Skills Model Tests for Second Year Students


We are including 4 Model Tests for ITI ( Induatial Training InstituteI Employability Skills Model Tests for Second Year Students . Each Test contain 50 Qestions. Candidates can attend the test for anytime.

Course : ITI
Subject : Employability Skills

Exam Type : MCQ
No. Of Question : 50

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Employability Skills 2nd year

ITI Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 1

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A small group of jobs within a career is called……..

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Entrepreneurship is also termed as………………

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Plan, Prepare, Perform is related to…..……………

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The process of learning a completely new skill is called……..

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Anitha started an Instagram page for her craft business. She used                         marketing strategy

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

You feel uncomfortable when you find people             in public place

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Believing that you have the capability to achieve your dreams is called……..

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person who is associated with the starting of a business is called…

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which is NOT a Money transaction?

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Information like what kind of jobs are in demand is known through…

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A written description of duties and responsibilities to be carried out in a job is called…..

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you send your resume through email, you are sending it as…..

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

One important rule to network effectively is…….

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Taking decisions on your own, after carefully thinking about them is the quality of……..

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

To gain more skills, you…..

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is NOT related to career path?

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which is the most important document required by companies to select people for job?

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which key in the keyboard will end the slide show at any time?

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. Using words through speaking or writing to share information, thoughts or ideas is called……..

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person can get promotions based on his              and                   

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which website has an ‘Idea Bank’?
where you can find a list of multiple problems faced by the country now.

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is NOT a source to raise funds to start business?

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Official conversations are part of…..……………

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Prevent Women at Work- place Act 2013 also known as

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The future of work is always going to

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

                       registration would help to access the schemes introduced by the Government

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The conversion of computer data from one format to another is called………..

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Curriculum Vitae is also known as….

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

As technology advances, the way we work shall               

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the command to invoke power point from command line?

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What protect hands from cuts, burns or harmful liquids?

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which app is a widely used for screen casting from your mobile phone?

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the standard way in which computers connected wireless?

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What will keep evolving thereby making jobs undergo changes?

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What will not be displayed in the slide during presentation?

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The most compatible format for saving images is………..

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We can identify the trends and changes in the world of work through………………

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Sustaining a river means…..

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Maintaining the quality of some- thing at a certain level is called……..

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Mock interviews help candidates

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which one is NOT a Verbal communication?

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. When we attempt to convert a word file into pdf, we call it…

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A resume should be…………………

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

You can maintain hygiene at the                 and

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of the human mind is called……..

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. Customers generally …………… when they have good

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. A secure Wi-Fi is one……

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is required for your career growth and sustainability?

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What should be avoided during an interview?

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A computer that provides data to other computers is called…….

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Employability Skills 2nd year

ITI Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 2

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words It is a                  neighbourhood. One need not fear.

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with appropriate word "The Plumber ……….. the tap only now.

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Some examples of …………… hygiene are maintaining
trimmed and clean nails, brushing teeth twice a day, washing hands before and after eating food.

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Emojis are used according to --------

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

spoken communication is usually not only              but also               

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you want to know what to do in your professional life, what skills and knowledge are required to do it, you are actually doing                    

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There isn’t any amusement park in the area. It is a         place.

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is required for effective communication?

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Travelling in the sea is called a           

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a person is given information about how he/she is doing in an effort to reach a goal, it is called…

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Fill in the blank with correct past tense of the verb"I                  a movie yesterday"

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Feedback is important because...……………

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A quick summary of yourself is called an…………

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Taking care of the environment around us is called -----------

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the process of formally introducing oneself called…

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Rehearsing or practice sessions before an interview is called                           

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person’s ability to understand and manage emotions properly is called…….

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Trying new things and finding new ways to do old things is called                       

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The materials and support that you need to complete your milestones on time is called                  

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

. -------------- means any unwelcome conduct of sexual nature, which makes a person feel offended or humiliated.

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We need to have …………… when market trends change
or when our current job no longer exists.

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The ability to adapt to fast changes is                     

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Change the verb "took" in the passive voice…

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

To improve your listening skills and become a better communicator you need to….

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Singular form of devices is….……………

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There are                  apartments in my neighbourhood.

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Which kind of persons are with very good behaviour, achievements and lead as an example.

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We …………… in a proper way so that we may reach a
profitable and healthy compromise.

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

If a woodcutter who so far used simple axe learns to use an electric axe, the woodcutter is                     

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a person is naturally good at doing something, it is his/her                         

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The immediate surroundings to the place you live in is called         

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

ICC with respect to POSH and sexual harassment means

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The process of learning a completely new set of skills to perform a different type of a job is                   

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

While addressing your boss, you should be………………

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A man can reach a certain place in 40 hours. If he reduces his speed by 1/15th, he goes 5 km less in that time. Find the total distance covered by him.

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Always -------------- your mobile phone …………… silent

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When something good happens to us, we feel                             

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

.-------- means the practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings neat and clean.

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words. The area is             as the houses in it cost a lot of money.

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Communication that involves exchanging of information without use of words is called                   

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

An employee gets feedback from supervisors, HR and other colleagues to…

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A series of numbers is given. You need to fill a number in the blank by understanding the pattern of the series. Fill the number in the place of the question mark: 47 48 51 60 87 ?

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a factory in the area. The air is                 .

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The Principal called Manoj. The principal asked………to show …………… hall ticket for the CTS Examination.

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The Government of India promotes apprenticeship

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What help us to maintain the balance between mental and physical activities?

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

It is important to ----- on the NAPS …………… to apply for

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A --------------- is one of the ways to reach your -----------------

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Complete the sentence with suitable describing words There is a                  playground near our house.

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person who learns new things related to his/her career and is up-to-date with latest industrial developments

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The average score is 38%


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Employability Skills 2nd year

ITI Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 3

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

For career growth and ------------ we need to build--------------

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

An important document to carry when attending an interview is

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The crucial step that all face while starting their careers is ……………

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Maintaining the quality of something at a certain level is

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Everything about a person on the internet like profile on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is called ----------------------

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we attempt to convert a Word file into a pdf, we call it                 

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

If we do not learn how to control …………… , it can spoil

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

An important aspect of being a successful entrepreneur is                     

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

SVG file means ……………

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you provide feedback, tell the listener that you are providing …………….

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is the process of formally introducing oneself called?

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A person can get promotions based on their …………… and ……………

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Human resources are                   

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A …………… is a computer that provides data to other

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Giving information in a manner that does not attack a person, but brings possible changes to the behaviour is called                           .

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Excel is used to ……………

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you explore LinkedIn to know about companies, its employers, get industry updates, etc., you are exploring it --

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we take time to think and pay attention to our thoughts, emotions, decisions, and behaviour, it is called ---

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Good listening skills make workers…………….

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

To retrieve photos and videos from Facebook, we need to have a ---------

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we write letters, emails, messages, etc., we are using                    

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Wi-Fi stands for…………… wireless signal.

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The image of the cloud is often used to refer to ----------------

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

To create a new presentation, choose ……………

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Anitha started an Instagram page for her crafts business. She used                  marketing strategy

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A quick summary of yourself is called an …………….

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When your classmate is giving suggestions on your performance, you are receiving ……………

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

JPG means ……………

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Communicating without words using only gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc., is called ----------------------

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Self-introduction should show how…………… your

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you send your resume through email, you are sending it as ---------

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

BCC in email means …………….

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

One of the benefits of being a lifelong learner is             

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

TI trainees meet industry professionals during ------------------

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Paying attention to the speaker, not interrupting, taking time to understand before asking questions or responding is                     .

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The electronic form of formal written communication that can be sent through the internet to many people across the world is called …………….

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Good verbal communication …………….

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A…………… is a summary of your personal
experience, skills and education history.

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

“Why do you need to study further? You need to be married soon.” This is an example of ……………

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Conversation between family members at home or casual conversation between employees is…………….

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When society decides how we need to behave and forces it on us, it is called creating ……………

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The most effective way of formal communication is -----------

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

You are a lifelong learner if you               

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is a prototype?

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Listening to radio, television shows, etc., is an example of ……………

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we speak to people in our workplace or people in authority, we need to …………….

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a person is given information about how he/she is doing in an effort to reach a goal, it is called --------------------

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The work undertaken by a person for a period of time is called               

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

PowerPoint files have …………… extensions.

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we do not express our emotions, we may end up -----

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The average score is 0%


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Employability Skills 2nd year

Employability Skills (Second Year) Model Test 4

No. of Question : 50

1 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There -------- instructions to be ________ to maintain
neighbourhoods well.

2 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

----------------------- of trees _________ the environment.

3 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact are examples of -

4 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

While we are at home or with friends, we use -------------------
-------------- verbal communication.

5 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

If you meet your supervisor in the grocery store, you will ----

6 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

You are requested to complete the given assignment by Monday. This is an example of ________.

7 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The conditions in a place that ----------- the behaviour and ---
----------- of somebody or something is called the environment.

8 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

----------------------- mountains, trekking, surfing and scuba diving called adventures.

9 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Rainwater harvesting ________ to prevent water

10 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The customer requested the lady executive to display the different mobile phone models. The customer asked -------
to mention the cost of the mobiles too.

11 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you attend a friend's wedding with your father, you may have to introduce your father to your friend and your friend to your father. What kind of situation is it?

12 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Everest, the ----------------------- peak in the world, -----------
in Tibet.

13 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

.----------- for your turn. Do not …………… the officials at
the venue, asking for your turn.

14 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

What is stress?

15 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

--------------------- are persons with very good behaviour, achievements and lead as an example.

16 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Tell us about a difficult situation you have and how
you …………… to come out of it.

17 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

The ITI Principal called Manoj. The Principal asked -------
to show ________ hall ticket for the CTS examination.

18 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Role models inspire people to follow them though they have                             and have met                               .

19 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Come tomorrow and fix the door knoThis sentence is --------

20 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Quality Management system makes use of some tools for problem solving. Which of the following is not one of them?

21 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We use emoji's when ----------------------------------

22 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

PPE means ……………

23 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

ISO stands for …………….

24 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When we greet our superiors, managers and boss we greet them                            .

25 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

‘Good morning’, ‘nice to meet you’, ‘How have you been?’
– are examples of ---------------

26 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Adventure sports --------------- be jumping …………... great
heights, diving deep ------------ the sea, or flying…………... the

27 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

We may have to introduce colleagues, peers and superiors in                                      context.

28 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Communication within an organization is -----------------------
with superiors and can be ________ with friends and

29 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

---------- the role of the supervisor to ------------------------
instructions to the craftsmen on safety in the workplace.

30 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Table, wire, socket, cable, hammer, nail, pipe, motor, refrigerator – are examples of ________.

31 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

For effective communication ……………

32 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When you make an enquiry at a bank, it is ------------------

33 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Please be informed that the annual staff meeting has been
------------------- to be ________ on the 1st of November.

34 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

When a worker contributes to bring the best output by using the available resources, the worker is …………….

35 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Wages are paid ……………

36 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Writing emails, letters, memos, orders, filling forms, minutes, contracts, proposals and quotations are examples of…………… workplace communication.

37 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Magnificent, large, thin, lengthy, square, bright, sharp, hard
– are examples of ________

38 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Reena has --------------------- to avail leave for 2 days to ------
-------- her cousin’s wedding. She has ________ the
letter to the supervisor.

39 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There -------- famous mountains beaches in

40 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

----------------------------- the computer every day after use.

41 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Can ----------- tell ________ about the strengths of the

42 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Fix, measure, pull, lift, grind, mix, operate – are examples of              .

43 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

In social media, we use …………… to convey our feelings
and emotions.

44 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

A town is--------- than a village, but ________ than a city.

45 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

I have received complaints about workplace safety. Please check them immediately and share the details with me. This is an example of ________.

46 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There is a garden with ________ flowers in our

47 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Rearrange the jumbled words to identify the correct option. ‘two, process, communication, way, is, a -----------------

48 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Transportation to some rural areas is difficult as the roads are              .

49 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

Strengths of role models get ________ while
weaknesses get                                     .

50 / 50

Category: Employability Skills - 2nd Year

There are ________ apartments in my neighbourhood.

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